Three years after Final Fantasy VII, a mysterious group suddenly surfaces to raid a town. They are a group of soldiers known as the Deep Ground Soldiers (DG Soldiers), created by the late President Shin-Ra, and trapped under Midgar due to the Meteor Crisis.
The story centers around Vincent Valentine, one of the heroes who saved the Planet in the Meteor Crisis.
The truth that reveals his past has been awaken...
Final Fantasy VII
~ Dirge of Cerberus ~
"Final Fantasy VII - Dirge of Cerberus", the FIRST official game sequel after the original FF7
series has already been released in Japan! Here you can download some of the
Full Motion Videos used in the game! Even if you haven't played the game yet, there are still
some trailers and special videos available for your viewing pleasure. The following videos are
available in various formats. Make sure that you have the required movie-playback softwares
properly installed in order to play the movies in their corresponding formats.
NOTE: All movies below are available in 3 different formats -
MPEG-2, XVID and H.264/AVC.
MPEG-2 is for playback on PC with
Media Player Classic
or other DVD-playback software installed.
Click here for some known
problems and performance issues regarding the MPEG-2 version of these videos.
XVID is also for playback on PC, and it requires
XVID video codec.
MP4 (H.264/AVC) is optimized to be viewed on
PlayStation Portable (PSP), and playable on PC, smartphones, and various portable devices.
Anime Theme RSS Channel for PSP! Click for details!
This is the Japanese trailer movie of "Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII", the upcoming action RPG for PlayStation Portable,
scheduled to be released in Japan on September 13, 2007 (and in America on March 25, 2008)!
The game is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII and is also the fourth entry to the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series.
The game will mainly focus around Zack Fair, a 1st Class SOLDIER, as well as Sephiroth, Cloud, Aeris and various other old and new characters.
This trailer also features the theme song, "Why" from Ayaka! Don't miss it!
This is the trailer movie of "Final Fantasy VII - Dirge of Cerberus", the FIRST official
game sequel after the original FF7 series! The story of this shooting-action RPG happens
3 years after the original FF7, featuring Vincent, Yuffie, as well as other major FF7 characters.
Of course this game uses high-quality CG movies as well, with style heavily based on the recent
FF7 CG movie, "Advent Children"! This trailer also features the theme song, "Redemption" from
Gackt! Don't miss it!
WARNING: The following movies are potentially SPOILING! You are not
recommended to download them unless you have finished the game or you are
sure that you have passed the corresponding parts in the game. Full-size screenshots were
captured with as few spoilers as possible but can still be potentially spoiling. Look at them
at your own risk.
Yuffie, Cid and Vincent are on a Virtual Reality space journey showing some facts
about Lifestream, the importance of Lifestream in the Universe... and the possibility that
Lifesteam could leave a dying planet.
A war between Vincent's side and DG Soldiers finally breaks out! Most major characters
in the game (including all FF7 main characters) take part in this fierce battle. Don't miss
the actions!
Own a PlayStation Portable? Bring this interesting and useful little JavaScript game to your
PSP! "Mai's Dreamland for PSP" is a mini RPG itself, but it also includes the functions of an
OFFLINE portal with some useful applications (eg. address book, calculator, memo pad) and interesting mini
games (eg. PSP Solitaire, MineSweeper, Sudoku / Number Place, Tetris).
Apart from Mai, you may also use other characters such as
Cloud (from "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children"),
Kira (from "Gundam SEED Destiny") and
Sousuke (from "Full Metal Panic").
Expand your PSP's horizons!