(BGM from Chage & Aska's "Epilogue")
Welcome to Anime Theme Wallpaper Gallery! Here you'll be able to find some wallpapers featuring Anime series, Japanese games and other Anime-style pictures. They come with various sizes that fit most resolutions. Feel free to use them on your desktop!
Take a look at some wallpapers featuring Final Fantasy VII, one of the best console RPG game ever!
Come get some wallpapers featuring the supremely famous RPG, Final Fantasy VIII!
Take a look at some wallpapers featuring the Anime movie "Princess Mononoke", which is the highest-grossing local movie in Japan and is now shown in the US cinemas!
Come get some wallpapers of Neon Genesis Evangelion, one of the best Anime series ever produced!
Come get some Macross wallpapers from various series across the Macross Universe, from the original Macross to the latest Macross Frontier series!
Don't miss the wallpapers of Love Hina, one of the most popular Anime series in 2000!
Download some HIGH-QUALITY, hard-to-find wallpapers featuring mainly Japanese CG games and sexy Anime babes! This gallery is currently the BIGGEST one in this site, with over 8000 wallpapers in total!
Looking for even more wallpapers? Why not visit this forum for more pics posted by our members? You can share your collection of wallpapers and pics too!
Download some wallpapers of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and let the H-ism fever continue!
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Windows Gadget is a new feature of Windows Vista and 7. The Vista version has a "Sidebar" which contains mini-applications (called "Gadgets") which are based on a combination of Script and HTML. They may be used to display information such as the system time, CPU/RAM usage and Internet-powered features such as RSS feeds, and to control external applications such as Windows Media Player. Gadgets can run "docked" in the sidebar or they can "float" anywhere on the desktop. On Windows 7, gadgets are all placed on the desktop without a sidebar, and arranged in a slightly different way.
Check out our Windows Sidebar Gadget Gallery for some original gadgets that can be used on your Vista and 7 desktop!
Welcome! Here you will find some high-quality Anime "renders" (images that are carefully cut-out/masked) for use with System Animator desktop gadget or other design purposes. Check out our Renders Gallery, and start decorating your desktop in the simplest way!
All images are copyrighted by their respective owners.