Tenchi Muyo in Love

(BGM from OAV)

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Kain, the most wanted criminal in the galaxy, is released by his own power from the seal. He was captured and sealed by the Jurai family, so he is now seeking a revenge from their descendants. He comes back to the past, and his target is Achika, Tenchi's mother. Because of this, Tenchi is in great danger since if her mother died before he was born, he wouldnt exist! With the help of Wasyu, Tenchi and his companions come back to the past to rescue his mother. Will they succeed?

In this movie, you will know Achika's past, her love story with Tenchi's father, and why she died when she was still young. You will know everthing about Achika in this story.

Tenchi Muyo in Love

Tenchi Muyo in Love

Story:9.5 Characters:10 Graphics:10 Overall:9.8

My review: The story is good and touching, especially the ending part.

(Still haven't seen this great movie? Buy its DVD here!)

Desktop Theme

Click here to download Tenchi Muyo in Love Desktop Theme (3.47M), version 1.0! Click here for the listing of included items and installation instructions. This Theme contains 3 wallpapers and a new animated cursor as well as the Achika cursor below.

If you want to preview the Theme before download, click here.

If you have downloaded the Desktop Theme and have Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 installed, click HERE and make your desktop ANIMATED!

Achika animated cursor!

Tenchi Muyo and related images are Copyright of AIC/Pioneer LDC.

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